Boulder Optical Design Inc.

About Alan Streater

Alan D. Streater, president of Boulder Optical Design Inc., has a Ph.D. in physics (JILA/NIST, U. of Co. 1985). He worked 2.5 years on postdoctoral research (Leiden University), and then spent 11 years in the Physics Department at Lehigh University (tenured 1995), specializing in the interaction of light and matter, and since then has worked in the optics industry. Dr. Streater has 40 publications, including several patents.

Dr. Streater has the clarity of your best teacher, the depth of a researcher, and a practical approach that is essential in industry. His expertise includes light propagation, optical materials, mathematical modeling, thin film optical design, thin film deposition, and optical measurements of all kinds.

Contact information

  • Alan Streater
  • Phone: 720-304-3831 (land line, no texts)
  • Contact information
  • Sample publications. For reasons of copyright I cannot make papers available for direct download, but I can send some examples if you email me directly. Thank you for your interest.
  • Image description